Monday, June 9, 2008

So long sweet Paris

I am now on my flight back to Paris and am deeply disheartened. I wasn’t ready for it to end at all. While I am ready for some of the comforts of back home, I’m also not done with my adventure in Europe. I spent so long planning and anticipating this trip; I can’t believe that it is over.
A bunch of us were talking this last week, and it is impossible that this experience was 4 weeks long; it seems like half the time. We all recall the first and last weeks, but the middle just seems to blend together. I had such an amazing time and met some really amazing people that I don’t want it to be over! I’ll miss my little flat that Tessa and I squished into. I’ll miss seeing Mon Petite Chou ever day, what will I do without him bugging me for Pringles every day and “booping” me? How will it feel to completely understand all of the conversations that are going on around me? What will it be like to drive again and not take the Metro for every little thing? Paris held so many wonderful things that I can’t imagine being without it.

1 comment:

Chase said...

Lindy I really do miss the Metro!!!