Monday, May 26, 2008

Adventure (aka being lost)

Many times throughout our two weeks here we have found ourselves lost. Sure, someone leading the group is sure that the Latin Quarter is just around this block, but it usually ends up being about an hour from that point. However, being lost in Paris has lead to some very amazing times. For example:

After finishing our Cultural Outing at the Musee D'Orsay, Claude let us on our own to find some food. A few of us decided that the Latin Quarter was pretty close and we would be able to find some good stuff there. So, we proceeded. I was really hungry for some spaghetti so we decided we should find an Italian place to dine. We walked and walked and walked. After being assured the Latin Quarter was right behind a couple of buildings I began to lose hope. By this point I was extremely hungry (as we'd been walking for over a half hour). However, we came across our first restaurant, and it just happened to be Italian! Not only was it Italian, but it was delicious Italian. Austin got this cheese and noodle dish that was so good. I got a pizza (not spaghetti because someone at a different table had pizza and it looked so good) and it was delicious. Everyone was pleased with their food, even happy for being lost since we'd found such a place by chance.

The other night a few of us decided to go out to the Latin Quarter and grab some dinner and go to a British Pub we had come across the night before. We walked around for a while before finding the Latin Quarter (again), and when we found it could not decide on a place to eat. The Latin Quarter is pretty much the place in Paris where all of the young people hang out. There are alleys full of restaurants and clubs that wind this way and that. After walking around for a while we were approached by a guy to come into his restaurant. He offered us "the best table in the house and a free glass of wine!". We were quite weary, as you are approached all of the time and very rarely does it turn out well. Chase asked for me if they had something vegetarian, and he assured us he did, so we decided to go in. The six of us where treated like royalty! It was a Greek restaurant that is owned by a gentleman from Boston (so he and Chase got along quite well). We did indeed get the best table in the house (it looked right out into the street) and our wine was brought promptly to us (it was the best wine I've had here yet). The chef came out to talk to us and our host explained that I was a vegetarian, so the chef made a plate especially for me, eggplant, which was not on the menu. Everyone's food turned out to be extremely delicious! The chef came out to make sure everything was good and asked us where we were from. When we told him we were from the United States he started quizzing us on our state capitals (good thing we had geography bee champ Keri with us!).

On Friday a bunch of us ended up going out, and we decided to try the Bastille stop instead of the Latin Quarter (we were told the Bastille was more posh). However, immediately after exiting the Metro we could tell we were in trouble. There were a few cafes, but nothing too great. Chase and Austin had been hanging out there for a while and told us there was nothing much to see. So Emma, Austin and I decided we would head over to the Latin Quarter and find a dance club there. We again got lost looking for it (you'd think we'd know where it is by now). We were quite frustrated and time was running out before the Metro closed. However, after asking a few people for directions, we found it! We walked around trying to find a fun dance club, but everything was either full or looked shady. About to give up we came across a random bar and decided to go in. I was so happy we did because the bar had live music. The band was really good and played all American songs so we could sing along.

So being lost can be very frustrating, but in Paris it has always had a good outcome.

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