Friday, May 23, 2008

Je ne parle pas francais

Whenever it's said you get the look. I don't blame them, I blame myself. "I don't speak French" is one of the phrases I have used the most in the time i've been here. True, I can tell you how to say "string bean" in French, but such words only get you so far. Today someone was hoping to get directions to somewhere, but I had to respond "Je ne parle pas francais" and felt terrible...not that I probably could have told them where they wanted to go anyway as I am so terrible at directions.

I wish so much I would have studied harder in high school during my three years of French, I could probably be far more adequate at this language if I had. But, what can one do, I'm where I'm at and know what I know. However, being here has really made me realize how valuable a second language would be. I'm not sure how applicable French would be for the rest of my life (unless I do inevitably decide to come back to Paris) so I'm seriously considering trying to learn Spanish sometime. I feel like I understand the difficult divide of language now and know that Spanish would be something very valuable to know for the future.

Pointing is a very valuable trait I've learned to use, well pointing at food and selections I want instead of trying to somehow communicate via spoken word. You also get quite adequate at miming to try to get your point across. However, trying to mime garbage bags proved to be a challenge. However, it makes every day tasks far more interesting and scary, which makes you appreciate everything you've done before so much more. You also feel very triumphant when you get your point across, it's not just that you got a garbage bag, it's that you've made them realize you needed it.

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