Saturday, May 17, 2008

(no)Flight of the Concourse B

I was freaked this morning that I wasn’t going to be able to make it to the flight on time, but now I’ve found that this worry was completely unjustified. I arrived at the airport at about 9:30 and got in the seemingly unending line to check in. However, it went quite quickly and I soon found myself at the check-in kiosk. Having only flown on the small propeller-driven planes to Montana, I was used to the friendly helpful faces of the Great Lakes airline employees. However, I this was not the case and I had no idea what to do. I set my bags on the wrong scale to begin with, but was quickly corrected by a not-so-pleasant employee. Next, I was waiting for someone to check me in, not realizing this was up to me. So, someone came and stole my screen before I realized what I was to do. After many more troubles, I finally received my ticket.

Thankfully Austin found me in line, so I didn’t have to brave the rest of the airport alone. The group of us took the shuttle thing (of which I have never been on before) and found our check-in area. We were quite early, so we just sat down and hung out for a while. The majority of the group came quite quickly, so we all introduced ourselves and made small talk. Nicole got here and we took an “adventure” to the restroom and to McDonalds, where Nicole almost died eating a french fry (as Chase mentioned later, that would be quite ironic).

We returned to find everyone still sitting around in the same chairs and we enjoyed our food and were soon called to board. I missed my call for Section 2, but joined in with the 3’s. However, before we even moved any closer to the door we were told to have a seat, as Chicago was not taking any planes in, due to bad weather. About half of our group was already on the plane when this was called, so they soon returned to our spot. Unrest ensued and people decided they would relax with a drink while we waited to be called again, as they told us they would update us in about an hour. A few of us stayed behind to watch over the luggage and keep the others updated. Not 20 minutes later we were called to reboard the flight. The messengers who stayed behind relayed the message to those who went to enjoy the delay. They had just ordered their drinks and had to do away with them quickly in order to make it to the boarding on time. They rushed back, and that brings us to now.

Now we are sitting on the plane, they have just notified us that they will update us in a hour about the time we will fly out. Groans erupted when they notified us of this, and since then people have been quite antsy. The woman next to me was eating a salad and the smell is lingering terribly; smells like tuna. But 27 Dresses is playing on the television (I’m thinking of you Stephanie!) and I’m so tired I care very little where I am as long as I am seated.

The nearness of Paris still hasn’t hit me, though when sitting around with everyone feeling their energy I’ve begun to pick up on the bug. I think when I take my first step on Parisian ground and break into “Bonjour Paris” from Funny Face it will be real.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Lindy! That flight delay sound terrible! But I guess that is what has been happening more and more with airlines, at least they didn't hold you for too long on the plane. Did you know that there are no official rules (or at least there didn't used to be) on how long they can hold you, technically it could be for hours! I hope you got some sleep!