Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The best way to start your day, Is with a beigne!

In the two weeks we've been here I've definitely found my favorite little places to grab a bite to eat.

My first favorite place to eat is this little bakery about 2 blocks from our apartments. It is conveniently located on our way to the Metro, so we often stop there on our way to class. Professor Reardon first told us of its deliciousness, but words do not do this bakery justice, it is so good. I always get something called a "beigne" which is much like a donut, but a thousand times better. It is much fluffier and dense (I know that sounds contradictory!) than a donut from America. I get the "beigne naturalle" which means it doesn't have any filling, it is just covered in delicious sugar (it is that delicious looking thing in the picture). It is so good and I will miss having my morning beigne when I leave.

Another favorite food joint is the Monoprix. While this is not a restaurant, it is a grocery store that has a branch right near our house. It is kind of like a mini-WalMart in the fact that it has clothing and food, but it is much tinier than any WalMart. It has fruit that will knock your socks off and has pretty much what you'd imagine a grocery store would. It is still a little nerve racking going in, because we're figuring out what everything is and where our necessities are located, but it has served us well.

The last of my favorites of the moment is this little cafe we happened to go to yesterday that is right by our apartments. There is a corner where about 5 restaurants are located that we go by every day but never eat at, so yesterday Nicole, Emma and I decided to just chill at one of them and see what they had. After playing "choose a number" to decide which restaurant to go into, we landed in Day's Cafe. It's this ingenious restaurant where they have a cooler full of plan salads, sandwiches with just meat or cheese on them and about 10 different desserts. So, you pick up a salad or sandwich (or their noodle of the day, which we all got and it was amazing) and take it to the counter and tell them what ingredients you want to have added to the salad or sandwich. That way you get exactly what you want without having to tell them what you don't want. You can also get an incredible variety of things, so one could eat there many times without every having the same thing.

I'm sure Paris has many more amazing little places to eat, and we still have 2 weeks to find them!

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